We have always believe that education is the way forward for a progressive country. Grooming the young to be the future leaders of 🇲🇾 Malaysia.
Since our inception on 14th Sept 2012, our Education arm has been involved in helping poor students, from primary to university level.
For primary and secondary level, the Foundation is involved in giving merit cash awards for UPSR (Standard 6), PMR (Form 3), SPM (Form 5) & STPM (Form 6) examinations, RM100 for each ”A” as an incentive for good results but more so to help the poor family financially.
We sponsored about 100 poor students for our Annual KFC/McDonalds party, equal number of students for our BTS (Back To School) program where we bring the students to the supermart/shop, they choose selected items like shoes, school bags, uniforms, stationery, socks, etc and we pay the bills.
We also supply instant milk powder, biscuits, instant noodles, vitamin pills, etc from time to time depending on requests and our affordability/availability.
For local university students, YSJB only gives out 10 yearly bursaries at any one time, once a student graduates, another one will be chosen to replace that student, each RM2, 400 a year for the duration of their course. The only criteria is they must be from poor families, selection done by our committee members, usually during a face-to-face interview, with relevant documents like household income. We are color-blind in our selection.
Tabung Amal Suria - PAUPM

Read about Free Meal Program in the news →

A professional planter with an AISP (Associate of The Incorprated Society of Planters) which he obtained in 1982, James is also active in social work back then when he was serving his 4- year stint in Sabah with Boustead Plantations from 1989 to 1993.
He was the Chairman of ISP (Sabah – Lahad Datu Branch) in 1993 where the Society donated a Toshiba Ultrasound machine costing RM42,000.00 to Lahad Datu Hospital.
He also scaled the highest mountain in South East Asia, Mount Kinabalu, in 1992.
As an alma matter of UPM, James is actively involved in the affairs of PAUPM (Persatuan Alumni UPM, Alumni UPM) as he was once a student there, and being poor himself, he feels for the students who are struggling to have proper meals, let alone concentrate on their studies.
Through the Foundation (Yayasan Suria JB) which he is instrumental in setting up, he has a close rapport with HEP (Hal Ewal Pelajar or Students Affairs Dept) UPM where he funds poor students in need of spectacles and students staying outside campus with pillows and mattresses.
In collaboration with PAUPM, James (through his networks), managed to get instant milk powder, oats, biscuits, potato chips, etc for poor students.
For his involvement in PAUPM and his contribution to society in terms of volunteerism and helping the Poor & Needy, he was featured in the book “75 JEWELS OF UPM” in 2005, only 75 old boys/girls were selected out of the thousands who have graduated since the establishment of the School of Agriculture in 1930.
Recently on 4th Sept 2018, a fund called “Tabung Amal SURIA-PAUPM” (a joint collaboration between YAYASAN SURIA JB and PAUPM) was launched by YAB MB Selangor, Tuan AMIRUDIN Shari, on old boy of UPM himself, to feed 40 poor students during lunch time, RM3 from SURIA/PAUPM and RM3 from the Canteen lady as part of her CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) initiative.

Those wishing to donate to this good cause, especially when you are a graduate of UPM, please do so…………..
Your contributions will be gratefully acknowledged with an official receipt. Thank you.

Account No.: 5121-4752-8039