Follow-up on 3R Blind Reflexology in Kulai!

Follow-up on 3R Blind Reflexology in Kulai!

Yayasan Suria JB (YSJB) – Follow-up on 3R Blind Reflexology in Kulai!
Further to my diary post on

26/7/2022 (, YSJB did another follow-up today (29/7/2022) to ensure all systems go well.

We gave them another cheque of RM2,700.00, this time for the rental deposit for 3 months as they are renting a house for the staff at RM900 a month.

Volunteers ‘descended’ down on the Blind Reflexology shop to test out the standards of their reflexology skills – all 3 of us gave the πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘. They were trained for 3 years before venturing out to do reflexology.

We placed a YSJB’s donation box at the shop, all money collected will be given to them to help out in expenses.

To help them in marketing, we will be sponsoring flyers with Chinese characters and more signage leading up to their 1st floor shop. All we want is to see them succeed in this business venture.

Before leaving after a good reflexology session, the boss, Ezwan, offered us complimentary reflexology which we declined. We told him “business is business” and we will continue to help until his business picks up nicely. We paid RM120 for a-45 min session for 3 volunteers.
Before we left, we took the 2 cheques, one given earlier, RM4,000, and the recent one, RM2,700, to the nearby Maybank to bank in the cheques for them. Apparently, they have some difficulties how to do so.

Anyone reading this and wish to support the visually-challenged people (never call them ‘blind’) can channel your donations through YSJB.

Do drop by to support this YSJB’s project – our first venture in the world of the visually-challenged. We have eyes that can see the beautiful world together with them if only we lend a helping hand to lead them along. Together, we can let the visually-challenged ‘see’ and ‘feel’ the world by bringing the beauty in us to them!

“If I were blind, within my heart I could still see the beauty that is YOU”.

Perhaps this message from Erzan summed it up:
“Ya uncle saya ucapkan ribuan terima kasih atas sumbangan yang diberikan.
Saya mohon maaf atas kebergantungan pada uncle di waktu sukar kami.
Saya akan bekerja lebih kuat lagi untuk membela nasib orang blind seperti saya.
Saya akan salurkan semula wang ke yayasan suria apabila business ini menjadi maju satu hari nanti
terima kasih uncle”

(Yes Uncle, I want to thank you profusely for the donation. I am sorry for clinging on to Uncle during this difficult period that we are going through.

I shall work doubly hard as Uncle is willing to help the visually-challenged people like us. I shall channel back the money to YSJB when the business is successful one day. Thank you Uncle).

Yes, by the grace of God and the determination of the visually-challenged, led by Erzan, we at YSJB are confident SUCCESS is within reach soon!

Just type in “3R Blind Reflexology” using Google/Waze and you will be there. They need your support.

Go go go 3R Blind Reflexology!

This is the gratefulness and the determination of the visually-challenged to reach for the skies!