Yayasan Suria JB (YSJB) – Our neighbours are confused, baffled and in disbelief!
Yes, since YSJB moved into our rented office/store (for RM1,600 a month) at 107, Jalan Bakawali 50, Taman Johor Jaya in Oct 2021, our neighbours have been curious of what type of business we are in.
We can’t really blame them for we are doing exactly the same as they are – loading/unloading things into the office, people walking in and out and both are conducting ‘business’ as usual.
As we have been there long enough (some 8 months already), a few of our neighbours have asked us “what business are we in?” I tried my level best to explain and explain but they can never understand. They said, “How can you give away everything FOC, run around up and down in your Hilux, people(volunteers) coming in and out of your office and you don’t pay them?”
Since they have no clues of what charity is all about and ‘your business does not bring in money, how do you survive?’ Yes, our actions speak louder than words – they are now our partners – helping us out, giving us ‘goodies’ (preloved items, groceries and helping us to receive goods if we are not in the office. They keep the ‘goodies’ in their office and we collect from them later.
“Your business is good but you don’t bring in $” – a comment made by a supporter. Slowly but surely, we want to show people that the world does not only revolves around money but there is more to money – caring for the Poor & Needy with L❤️ve & Humility!
Sometimes, we get people staring at our signboard, coming inside to enquire and later, give us donations and then bringing us ‘goodies’.
As our location is on the busy main road, we hope to inspire people around our office to care for others instead of being so self-centered. The ‘concept of NGO/volunteerism’ is spreading fast around here and we are proud to be the catalyst in this new arena/ concept of ‘caring & sharing’.
Now, we even have 2 interns from MMU Melaka at our office, under the tutelage of our web page designer and committee member, Bro Lo. Their lecturer have also told Bro Lo to get the interns involved in volunteering work during their three months stint with YSJB.