Yayasan Suria JB (YSJB) – Our yearly BTS initiatives!
Yes, this was our 12th BTS (Back To School) program for students from B40 families which was held for the first time at Talent BookStore, Perling Mall, JB on 1st Mar, 2024.
For info, Talent BookStore is our synergy partner, they have supported us in many school programs and YSJB has one donation box in all its 6 branches in JB.
At 10.30 am sharp, most of the students, accompanied by the parents/guardians, including 5 which we picked up from their house in Plentong, were all ready and eager to rush in – order was the norm of the day, no rush as we have plenty of time for all the 33 students with 5 volunteers from YSJB to assist them.
It was a “fun time” for the students, taking whatever they wanted, shoes, uniforms, stationery and anything related to BTS.
As with our policy of being coloured-blind, students were from all religions and races – Malays, Chinese, Indians & Ibans, representing all religions.
At about 12.30 pm, after payment of bills, totalling RM5,703.76 for 33 students, averaging RM170.00 per student, all gathered at the front of Talent BookStore for a group photo session.
Happiness and smiles on the faces of both students and parents/guardians made our day – volunteers are even happier when we see the students’ faces lighted up because of us, always serving others with love & humility!
Oops! Those who wish to support us in this BTS initiative, are most welcome – who knows you will be supporting a future PM of Malaysia!
These are 2 videos painstakingly pieced together by our volunteers – enjoy:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Please use the INTERNET VIDEO PLAYER to play.
A special mention must be made to our UKM law intern who is doing a one-month internship with YSJB – she organised this BTS program and was instrumental in one of the video presentation.
“I shall pass this way but once; any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being; let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.β