Hi Everyone,
A happy & good morning!
– 300 packets of cooked food from Ponderosa Golf Club ⛳, 80 packets from Fig Cafe Molek, 50 packets from FGC JJ & 50 packets from Thanusha’s restaurant Jalan Segget JB respectively, *total 480 packets* daily for distribution to the Poor & Needy.
– Brought Ya Min, Rohingya girl for check-up at Ulu Tiram Health Clinic, we are paying for her fees as she is a foreigner.
– gave away a fordable bicycle to a lady for distributing food for Poor people in Taman Pelangi.
– 300 packets of cooked food from Ponderosa Golf Club ⛳, *160 packets from Fig Cafe Molek,* 50 packets from FGC JJ & 50 packets from Thanusha’s restaurant Jalan Segget JB respectively, *total 560 packets* daily for distribution to the Poor & Needy.
*Fig Cafe Molek gave it a big bang with another 80 packets from the usual 80,* being their last day of supplying complimentary cooked food, so too goes for Ponderosa Golf Club ⛳ and Thanusha’s restaurant Jalan Segget JB, *our heartfelt thanks & appreciation to all 3 of them(Ponderosa Golf Club ⛳, Fig Cafe Molek & Thanusha’s restaurant Jalan Segget JB) for their wonderful gesture in feeding the Poor & Needy.*
– Chitrawathy, the lady with *swollen leg, Lemphedema,* received *another 1k* from us for her post-operation expenses. Listen to her voice message.
– *70 packets of cooked food from FGC JJ until 17/7/2020.*
– Case of a *”HIGHJACKED” food aid for a poor family in Megah Ria, RM400.75*, the poorest of the poor area in Masai, intended recipient not in, neighbour came out offering to pass to her, we obliged, later on found out that the neighbour refused to give her anything, nevermind, non-judgemental here, we promised to make good the next day.
– funded *Chitrawathy another 2k* for her post-operation expenses in UMMC, she is recovering well after doctor *shaved off about 8 kg of her flesh.*
– collected money from *donation box at Fig Cafe(RM180).*
– Paid *RM6, 000.00 to 36 families,* our monthly expenses.
– YSJB has *12 local University students under our wing as part of our education arm,* 4 have graduated, we maintain at *RM2,400.00 a year for each student.* Today, we paid for *Logita(2.4k) who got a place at Kolej Maktrikulasi Perlis for her Foundation course,* her single mum is under our monthly financial aid, part of the 36 families stated above.
– as promised, bought food provisions for highjacked family, all ended well.
– collected pre-loved clothings from Pelangi for distribution to the Needy.
– *70 packets of cooked food from FGC JJ until 17/7/2020.*
– sending 2 packets of cooked food, some 20 km away, to my adopted father, 81-year-old home alone, for lunch/dinner.
– sending 14 packets daily to a poor family in Bakawali 84 JJ for lunch/dinner.
– paid 2.4k each to *3 more students* studying in UNITAR, UTHM & UTAR respectively, *total RM7, 200.00*
– *70 packets of cooked food from FGC JJ until 17/7/2020.*
– a day to remember, ran all over JB to *deliver the cooked food to 8 families.*
– collected another batch of pre-loved clothings from Taman Gaya for distribution to Poor & Needy.
– relax day, *pre-birthday celebration, twin ones,* mine on 9/7 and daughter on 6/7, my son, Andy, drove down from KL to spend time with us.
– finally managed to really rest, *my first Sunday off after about 4 months of MCO/CMCO*
Thank you & God bless.