Translation of Sin Chew Daily News – 23 January 2021:
An Act of Love For this Coming Spring Festival
(Johor Bahru, 23 January 2021).
As Chinese New Year or the Spring Festival is approaching, a café in Taman Molek together with other charity organization and well wishers join hands to aid those many poor and needy families with back to school supplies, protective and health care materials, new year cookies and new year meals, with the ardent hope that this will help lessen the burden from the ravaging Covid-19 pandemic and bring joy to the needy families to welcome the new year.
Beneficiary children come from broken families including those abandoned by their parents, single parent families, and children living with the elderlies. The organizer will sort clarification and confirmation from Welfare Department or the schools on the children concerned, and provide them with gifts to welcome a happy new year.
For this Act of Love project, James Ho Ah Kong who is the founder of Yayasan Kebajikan Suria Johor Bahru(YSJB) has joined hands with various charitable bodies to help the poor and the needy families. James Ho in response to the press said that since March last year during the Movement Control Order (MCO), they have already teamed up with Fig Café of Taman Molek to provide cooked food packs to the poor and needy as well as visiting them. He said that during the recent floods, they joined hands and send cooked food to the flood victims including those from Skudai and Kota Tinggi, besides those in Johor Bahru area. In this coming Spring Festival we team up again to provide help to a larger group of the needy families with fervent hope that the children will enjoy a safe and happy new year.
Ms Particia Eng, a shareholder of Fig Café said that about 100 children will benefit from this Act of Love project. However, she added that if more donations are forthcoming then more children can benefit. Contents of each bag of goodies for the children include healthcare materials such as tooth brush and tooth paste, school materials, school bag and study materials, new year cookies, sanitizer and face mask. The children will also receive new year food packages specially prepared by the café.
Patricia Eng reiterated that due to the present MCO 2.0, we have to wait for further announcement as to whether the children can come to the café for the special meal, or otherwise the food packs will be delivered direct to the beneficiary families through Yayasan Suria JB. Holding onto the Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) of giving back to society, Fig Café in the past three years during festivals such as Spring Festival, Mothers’ Day, Fathers’ Day, and Christmas would team up with charitable and welfare bodies to sought contributions and donations from patrons and sponsors to help the old folks home and the needy families. During the MCO last March and April, Fig Café teamed up with YSJB to provide 100 to 200 packs of cooked food daily to the poor and needy families. Since 5th of January this year, we sent out more than 100 packs of cooked food daily to the flood victims. She further shared that the pandemic situation is not improving at all, but she is very moved and impressed by the so many good people still responding to our appeal and make the much needed generous donations and contributions to help feed the poor and needy. More so during this pandemic, we must continue to be generous and help the poor and needy families so that everyone can have a happy festive celebration.
The appeal for donations to this Act of Love for the needy children ends on 07 February 2021. For details, please contact Mr James Ho at 019-7724172.
(Source: https://www.sinchew.com.my/content/content_2416398.html)