YSJB’S weekly report post-CMCO (10/6/2020 – 14/6/2020).
Hi Guys,
Good morning, James Ho here again.
Due to the many calls/messages from readers/supporters /donors after I stopped writing my daily report after 3 months on the road and after accessing the situation on the ground, I have concluded that:
(a) The Poor & Needy out there have fallen into a pit so deep that they will never be able to come out, help from government and NGOs/NGIs have their limitations, we just got to feed them to keep them alive, cries for help are increasing each day, officially the CMCO has ended but situation is getting from bad to worst, not because they don’t want to work, they can’t find jobs as many companies have gone under or going under, we don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, we are clearing up our stock at base in Molek and digging into our reserves to help, we have no solution to the impact of COVID-19 on the devastating damage done to many lives out there.
(b) We have decided to carry on our work to help the Poor & Needy as encouraged by our supporters/donors, we shall shoulder on relentlessly, we shall be giving you a weekly report from now on.
(1). The cooked food project from *Ponderosa Golf Club β³* will carry on until *30/6/2020, 300 packets a day.*
(2). *Fig Cafe Molek project,* temporarily stopped due to lack of sponsors, have started again until *30/6/2020, 80 packets of cooked food a day.*
(3). Another *new* cooked food project from *FGC Johor Jaya from 15/6/2020 – 17/7/2020,* YSJB is taking 50 packets a day, we just gave a small donation of 1k to fund the project.
(3). Due to the stress of the poor, *AM PM Pharmacy* donated thousands of *paracetamol* tablets to YSJB recently.
(4). Handling a *distress call* from a single 7th month pregnant mother, 3 kids, 1, 4 & 7, husband left her for another woman, 6 months arrears in rental/electricity/water bills, on the verge of going crazy, we are dealing with this, in Desa Harmoni, *journeying with her,* bought some goodies for the family, etc.
(5). Supplying *Ensure milk, 30 tins monthly to our clients,* RM85 a tins, cancer patients, AIDS patients, paralysed patients(pic) and people on tube feeding, more and more requests for this complete formula milk, very good but very expensive, never ending requests for this Endure milk, any sponsors out there?
(6). Did a project in Selesa Jaya/Tun Aminah for *300 families,* dry groceries for the kitchen, *RM180 per goodies bag,* teamed up with 27 Fitness Club & Ihsan Johor, *a RM54k project.*
Took the opportunity to *crop my hair* here, Art of Ihsan Johor, did the job after finishing distribution, *volunteers are all-rounders!*
(7). Took a *7th month pregnant Rohingya lady* for registration at Ulu Tiram government clinic, before that(10 days ago) took her to a private clinic in Johor Jaya for the 1st check-up in 6 months, *no money, no check-up,* imagined her happiness after an Ultrasound to know that baby is alive and kicking, *she saw baby moving,* a girl, due on 28/8/2020. *Her happiness, our happiness too!*
(8). *25 goodies bag, each costing RM200 went out from our base in Molek during this period,* distributed by our partners to to the many poor out there, we still receive about *20 calls/messages a day pleading for help,* we get scolded for not helping, part and parcel of the job of a social worker/volunteer, *helping and getting scolded, nice job eh?* Nevermind, we move on relentlessly.
(9). The Nissan Serena MPV, loaned to us for *90 days, foc with petrol and TouchNGo card thrown in,* was handed back to JJ, the kind soul. Thanks JJ, your vehicle has *accumulated unmeasurable merit points and good karma that you, your family and company will forever be blessed.*
Thank you & God bless.